Photogrammetry: Strange Question

This is kind of a strange question for this group, but here goes.

I want to use an old ArduPilot Mega 2.0 I had never used and I want to use it to capture images for photogrammetry from a manned aircraft.

So I would like to use the Mission Planner and have the APM2 trigger the camera and write the metadata for use in Pix4D.

Since a human will be flying the aircraft (following the mission planner routing) can I do this without defining a drone platform during setup?

Or can I just select something and ignore it as the servo commands will not go anywhere?

Any info, thoughts, comments welcome.

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  • I've done this. You don't even need a flight plan, just set cam_trigg_dist to the gps distance you want. You can just set it up as a Plane, and ignore all the calibrations.
    • Thanks for your reply.

      - How did it work out for you? Get the results you wanted?

      - By using the Mission Planner helps with getting the desired resolution by defining the altitude and help define image overlap, no? Or how did you manage these parameters of the capture?


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