PID tune

ok, have a question on aeroquad configurator we have PID for stable mode Acro mode and PID for altitud hold and position hold, wicth are those on the ardupilot megaplanner for gps position an hold altitud mode?

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  • looking at  the mission planner screenshot in

     GPS position hold related PIDs would be:

         * Loiter Lat PID  (for latitude)

         * Loiter Long PID (for longitude)

     Altitude hold related PIDs would be:

         * Sonar throttle PID (for sonar sensor, used on altitudes less than 10 ft)

         * Baro throttle PID (for barometric sensor, used on altitudes greater than 10ft)


    Im not sure if Sonar and Baro PID's have been merged in the new version, if you only have one of them in the newest mission planner, it means they have.



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