I am using APM Version 2.65 firmware (no changes) - just downloaded from Mission Planner and upgraded to a 3DR GPS uBlox LEA-6 from the standard GTPA010 for improved GPS performance. Now I get a very noisy (+1 degree) roll and pitch signal (when stationary on a desktop), whereas with the standard, it is very low noise (+-0.1 degree). Did I need to set a PARAMETER or maybe even recompile the Ardupilot code for the GPS changeover? When I switch back to the standard, all is fine.



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  • You should definately set it back to one or you will not have fast enough drift correction. The noise comes from the fact that you are operation indoors. It has to do with the velocity readings from the GPS due to mutipath reflctions. Set it back to one and try it outdoors away from walls. Since ver 2.5 3D veocity readings are used to get 3d accelerations wich are used in the drift correction algoritms.

    Well set it back to what ever the defoult was. It's 1.0 for planes, I think its lower for copters. To be sure just reset the EEPROM and you will revert to factory defaults.

    I was told not to mess with this setting or my plane will crash.

  • OK, I just noticed that Wolfgang had a similar problem and he adjusted a gain in the advanced Params - I only see AHRS_GPS_GAIN - how much to use the GPS to correct the altitude. I set it at 0.1 instead of 0.0 but have no idea what most of you with the LEA-6 are setting it too and really why it is there at all - gyro drift?? Apparently the default of 1.0 was OK with the GTPA010.

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