Pitch Reversed???

Okay just updated the firmware in my quad, I reset to factory default settings and reconfigured everything. Checked props and that the direction was correct, set frame to x and level. Connected to CLI and ran "motors" command and everything responded as it should.

I did a quick hand test. If I roll the quad to the left, the left motors kick in and compensate. If I roll to the right, the right motors kick in to compensate and level off.

So this is where the hand test got weird. When I pitch the quad forward, the back motors kick in causing it to want to flip forward. When I pitch the quad back, the front motors kick in causing to want to flip backwards.

Anyone have any ideas why this is happening? Everything was working great before updating my firmware. Right now I'm using APM 1.0 with stock 3dr frame and motors.

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  • Could it be possible to start a page on the wiki that showed working configurations for various TXs??? I think this could save a lot of pain for everyone in the future. 

  • I am having a similar problem.

    I am now sure my motors are wired correctly following one crash.

    I am using the latest arducopter firmware and and 3DR arducopter 2.

    I have setup for X mode flight and using the motors command in the CLI.

    If I follow the instructions on this page http://code.google.com/p/arducopter/wiki/AC2_Props_2

    When I push the elevator stick upwards on the control 1&3 should spin but I am seeing 2&4 spin.
    When I push it down the page says 2&4 should spin but I see 1&3 spin.
    When I push the rudder stick left and right the motors do as they do in the table.
    Do I have a problem still or is there a problem with that table on the page??

    Please help.
  • If I go to radio setup in APM and click on the reverse checkmark for pitch and roll it doesn't seem to save either.

  • Developer

    Are you in + mode or X mode?

  • I could be wrong, but I think the DIP switches are disabled on the APM1 in recent version of the code. Is it possible you've upgraded from an older version of AC, and need to reverse the pitch in the software?

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