I did a post in the new forum, but I did not get any further response:
Craig said that Pixhawk with sonar works fine, but only if I define sonar pin (SONAR_PIN).
But this parameter is not avaliable in AC. Only in ArduRover e.g.
So can anyone here give me a hint how to activate the sonar in Arducopter for the Pixhawk? Is there a default port?
Because I use the MB 1240 I am be able to use the ADC 6.6 or with a fewer range ADC 3.3 (Pin 15,14 and 13)
Cheers Gregor
Hi, I am trying to connect the PX4FLOW sensor with APM 2.6, Can anyone please help me out..any suggestions...
PX4Flow will only work with future releases of the Pixhawk. The sonar on Pixhawk will work with AC 3.2. I still have no answer if the I2C sonar or the analog sonar will be supported on 3.2. Maxbotix recommends only the 124x models for our purposes. Here in germany I can only buy the PX4Flow with the fitted MB 10XX Sonar. Maybe 3DR will change this after they sold their old ones ;-(