Hi all,
I’m a complete novice and have been attempting to hook up a PixHawk to HobbyKing’s Bixler 2.
First test flights went well in MANUAL/STABILIZE and FBWA modes, but we had an issue when AUTO mode was selected. We’d loaded on waypoints via Mission Planner, double checked them, and attempted to set the craft to follow them once in the air, however the Bixler didn’t gain altitude or head towards its waypoint and required manual take over to bring it back.
N.B. there’s NO pitot tube on board, although all air speed parameters have been disabled.
Why is the craft not following its designated path once switched into AUTO mode? It seemingly stays in FBWA mode. Have we missed a parameter, perhaps one which requires a pitot tube?
I’ve attached the two flight logs from the tests.
Any ideas?
I attached the logs to the original post as .bin files. Had never heard of Droneshare before
Have you tuned it for your aircraft? Instructions are here. You probably just need to turn up the Navigation gaim
Will have a proper look at tuning tomorrow. However, these seem like solutions to poor flight in auto mode but where auto mode still works to a certain extent; our trouble was that auto, even though enabled, didn't kick in at all (correct me if I'm wrong!)
Please upload your log to DroneShare so we can analyze it. Once you've done so, please post a link to the missions.
Here's the vehicle page:
And here's the two missions individually:
Yep, you never went into Auto mode. Have you tested your mode settings on the ground? Just connect to Mission Planner and confirm that your mode switch is indeed switching it into Auto.
Will check mode settings on the ground tomorrow though!
On this mission there are two green icons which say 'Mode change AUTO'?
Ah, you're right. Sorry for missing that. Okay, that's checked then.
I'd go back to turning. If you Nav gain is too low for the specific throws on your Bixler, it will be blown downwind and otherwise fail to stay on course.
One way to test is just to set RTL as a mode. That should simply circle overhead. Once you've got it tuned to that that, regular Auto should work as well.