Hello guys,
I have some problems with my hexa and I would like to ask for your help.
First some information on my hexa:
- Autopilot: Pixhawk (original, bought from www.onedrone.com)
- RC: FrSky Taranis+
- 4S 10C/20B Multistar batteries
- Tiger Air Gear 350 (motors, ESCs, props)
On friday I flew two auto missions - no problems.
On Sunday during auto mission (40m height) my hexa suddenly started lifting, to about 60 m, where it began to fall (my throttle was at hover). I quickly switched on panic switch (RTL) and hexa calmed down for a moment and then started flying uncontrollably at full speed. For a moment I switched off panic switch and quickly switched it back on. Hexa has again calmed and then began to fly uncontrollably. When I switched on panic switch for the third time hexa flew over the lawn near me, so I switched to stabalize and manually landed. Mission Planner showed Bad Gyro Health message on HUD.
I thought this has happened because of one of these things or combinations thereof:
- I had some problems with HDOP when arming, so I raised parameter from 2.3 to 3.0
- Close to take-off (in a radius of 2 m) are three or four iron manhole lids, which could affect the electronics
- I flew with two batteries and as soon as I switched on first, I started to switch on second - probably in moments when Pixhawk carries out calibrations
- It was very hot (35°C), sunny and windy (not too much - I have flew in bigger winds without any problems)
On Wednesday I decided to make a test flight before I redo all the calibrations. In short flight I tested Loiter and AltHold modes. Again no problems, everything seemed fine.
Today (Thursday) I did all calibrations with wizard and again went for a test flight. I flew in Stabalize mode for about a minute with no problems, then I turned Loiter on and hexa just fell down (like I would dropped throttle to 0). Mission Planner again showed Bad Gyro Health. Given that conditions (GPS, weather) were good for flying, assumptions I made for Sunday flight are clearly not right and it is obviously something very wrong with my hexa/Pixhawk.
Does anybody have any idea what might be wrong and what should I do so this won't happen again and I can safely fly my hexa again?
Attached are logs of all three flights (Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday).
If you need any more information about hexa or flights, please ask.