Pixhawk clone PCB's on eBay?

Are these PixHawk PCB's on eBay "legit"? What is the general consensus on them? Same us usual: "evil, run away!"? 



"Selling the bare PCB for PixHawk PX4FMU autopilot, that is suitable for controling multicopters, planes, helicopters. Compatible with openpilot, ardupilot software.

Boards are professionaly manufactured, 4 layer, with silkscreen and HAL, electrically tested. 
More info about  on: https://pixhawk.ethz.ch/px4/start"

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  • Clone? This is chech board, it is located in Chech according to Ebay. 

    Are you REALLY sure it is cloned? :D

    Your paranoia sometimes making me laught a lot

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