Pixhawk Data Logs on SD-Card

Hi DIYDRONES Community,

I need your help, again.

Since the beginning of the year I use successfully my new PIXHAWK.

Most of it works fine, e.g the tuning via Telemetry Logs.


I've not found any manual about the dataflash logs, which were saved on the micro-SD Card.

Could anyone explain me, how to read the datas from the SD-Card, either with the 'old' MissionPlanner' or the new APMPlanner 2.0?

I would appreciate any advice.


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  • @Masu

    I'm new to this so please forgive the silly questions

    i want to know about that the pixhawk store logs directly on sd-card or we have to enable this

    • Hey Ammad,

      sorry the answer took this long.

      I haven't worked a long time with the pixhawk,

      but I can't remember that you have to enable this function to store the log-files

      on the sd-card. As far as I know the pixhawk logs automatically on the sd.

      A long time since my final thesis, but its also possible that this function is a parameter, which hast to set on 1 (enable).

      But i guess my first idea is the correct one. There were also problems with the first installed sd-cards. mybe you chose another one not the px4 micro sd (2GB)..

      Hope you will find the right solution.



  • I usually take out the Sd card from the pixhawk, insert it in my computer and download all the .bin files, then in APM planner, under the graphs tab, i use the load log file button, it works flawlessly and i can see all the graphs of the data.

    My problem is that i can't map them, in other words i can't see the path followed by the drone on the map, that is possible with the flog files, but i don't always bring my laptop so not always i have the flog file. I don't understand why it isn't possible to map the lat/long data contained in the bin file under APM planner.

    In mission planner instead it would be possible, but always with a flog file, and the .bin to log file button works, but the file can't be opened nor with mission planner nor with APM planner...


    • is there no possibility for you to create a .kmz and watch it in google earth..

      thats for sure not the perfect solution but maybe it helps you in the first place

    • I am also interested in this. Would really appreciate if somebody could give an answer.

  • Mission planner have a bin to log button in the log download window, then it can read from SD.
    APM planner have no option to read the.Bin file, or its a well hidden secret :)
    • Hey Andre,

      thank you very much...

      I got it.

      Thumps up!

      • But what if you only use APM Planner?

        Surely there must be a way to read these log files direct from card (I haven't found it yet....!)

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