Pixhawk DF13 Connector Repair?

Long story short, I broke the Telem2 DF-13 Connector on a spare pixhawk I have sitting around, newb mistake.  Does anyone have experience repairing these?  It looks like it could be soldered on but I really don't trust my soldering abilities.  

Any suggestions?  I can take some pictures if that will help. 


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  • You can purchase new connecters at Digikey.com. Search Hirose df-13 and it should come up, or try this link http://www.digikey.com/product-search/en?s=786&FV=fff40016%2Cff...

    They have all the sizes.They also have the metal connecters that go into the plastic housing. If you haven't damaged them on you original cable they will just push right into the DF-13 connecter

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