PIxhawk + DJI E300 Problem

Hi, im a newbie on drones and after some research in the area i decided to build a quad based on pixhawk(original) + GPS(from 3drobotics) and the Dji e300 kit on a f450 frame with a Turnigy 9x RC using a ppm encoder (from 3drobotics) After the setup using APM FW 3.2 and the calibrations the quad flew (in loiter mode) the problem started after the quad landed, when i tried to start a new flight and i rise the throttle the quad showed some desync on the motors and overturned crashing, at this time sometimes the quad flies, although the most of the times it doesnt fly.

Trying to solve the problem i tried some alternatives, incluiding:

-Tried different PID configurations.

-Reinstalling the FW (deleting the SD, reinstalling MP and change to APM Planner to reset the PIxhawk).

-Changing to FW 3.1.5.

-Tried to fly on loiter and stabilize mode.

/ The DJI´s opto ESC cannot be calibrated

-used different 3s batteries

-Tried the Motorsync test, with this at low throttle sometimes one or two motors requires more throttle to spin.

Im not sure what could be, becouse its not always the same motor/esc and i dont know if is a hardware (motor/esc) problem or an issue with the pixhawk.

Mech Failure:

3691178906?profile=originalBattery issues:

3691178917?profile=originalImu Consistency

3691178861?profile=originalMax Consistency:


 I uploaded one of the logs file when the quad flew, in the first part i flew in loiter mode and landed with the auto land, after that i tried to fly, although the desync issue started again so i decided to stops the motors when the quad tended to overturn. I hope that someone with more experience can see the log and give me some guidance. Thanks for reading.

Saludos! from Chile and excuse me for my english.


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  • Did you get this issue sorted out? I skimmed through your post and I just wanted to ask, do you have the flight controller sitting right on top of the power distribution board?

    • Hi, the Pixhawk was located between the plates of a DJI f450 frame (over the power distribution board) also i tried with the FC over the frame but the problem never gone. I sent an email to 3dr support with logs, because i thought that my Pixhawk has problems, but they told me that my unit was ok, after that i changed the dji E300 motors and escs for the T-motor Air Gear 350 kit and i upgraded the FW to 3.3rc3 and now my quad fly perfect after that i have more than 20 flights with no errors and still using the FC over the power distribution board between the plates of the f450 frame.

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