I have been following the usual steps for configuring Pixhawk for a quadcopter. I have tried both QGroundControl and MissionPlanner with both ArduCopter 3.3. and PX4 flight stacks. I don't have the ESCs connected but instead I am monitoring the PWM outputs on a scope. The servo rail is powered at 5V from an external Power Supply. When I use ArduCopter there is no signal at all on the "MAIN OUT" PWM outputs and there is a 1000us signal on "AUX OUT" outputs. With PX4 firmware there is 1000us singal on "MAIN OUT" and 2000us signal on "AUX OUT". In both cases I successfully armed the pixhawk but when I increase throttle nothing on the output changes (RC is definitely configured properly as I can see inputs changing in both Mission Planner and QGroundControl).
I have a feeling I am missing some configuration settings? Please help!
That usually means that you haven't pressed the safety switch (or haven't disabled it in the parameters)
If you were able to arm the copter the it should have created a flight log which will contain the PWM output to each of the pins. Try checking the log with mission planner and look for RCout. As far as I can tell it should be working.