
Long story short, I've been going through a few Graupner voltage telemetry sensors so it was suggested that my voltage regulator may be causing the faults so I went about swapping them over and retaining my existing vr for redundancy (proposed to be for Px and rx). I didn't get that far as it happens, please see the diagram below for my set up as of this evening.

I decided to have a short flight in the garden to get a log to see what voltage the Graupner vr was putting out, connected the flight lipo, Pixhawk fired up, didn't arm her yet, plugged the voltage sensor into the lipo balance plug (definitely not reversed) and instantly the tx reported low rx voltage and signal (no light on rx) and the Pixhawk gave a series of tones and half the lights went out.

Disconnected the sensor lead from the rx, plugged the flight lipo back in and this is what I'm getting now:


I also can't connect to MP any more, the error code mentions no heartbeat packets received.

These are my threads on the APM forum describing the sequence leading up to this what appears to be an almighty failure:




Other than "find another hobby stupid" does anybody know what this sequence of tones signifies and whether it's salvageable?

She's been flying really well lately so I'm gutted about this..


Thanks in advance..



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  • MR60

    Sorry to hijack your topic Peter, but I find you have got an excellent gimbal performance in your YouTube video link. Can you please provide details about the gimbal itself, the camera and your alexmos pic tuning values?


    • Thanks..

      The gimbal is the DYS 3 axis Gopro version that I've upgraded with the Basecam 32 bit Alexmos controller, camera is a Hero 3+ Black Edition. This was a video from a couple of flights that I did on Friday for one of our developments:


      As soon as I've sorted the problem with the Pixhawk, one way or another, I load up the PID values for you.. I've found the new PID auto tune feature with this gimbal controller to be a waste of time, the values are majorly excessive, well in my case anyway.

  • Developer

    Peter, those tones indicate that loading the code onto the IO portion of the board has failed.

    That is most likely caused by one of two reasons, either the bootloader on the IO portion of the board is failing to communicate with the FMU or the power to the IO processor has failed.

    Please try this
    1. power the board off USB only
    2. load plane 3.1.1 and force the IO Procesor code to update by removing power and re-applying power with the safety button held
    3. If that loads successfully now load the beta of copter and power cycle without holding the safety button.

    If that works most likely the boot load process was not working.  If it does not work, then  you'll need to check the power supply to the IOP.

    • Hi Craig,

      The new Pixhawk is up and running really well now, back to where I was before.

      I am going to forget about the Graupner telemetry for the moment but I would like to add redundancy by connecting the Graupner VR to channel 7 of the main outputs and installing a zener diode to channel 8. The Graupner VR puts out 5.5v and the main power supply puts out 5.15v and is connected to the power port. I have the Attopilot 180A sensor fitted too. Please see photos below.

      Does the orientation of the diode look correct and do you foresee any problems with this?

      Many thanks,





    • Ok, thanks..
    • We seem to be getting somewhere Craig.

      Using a W8 tablet on its powered dock, I've managed to load Plane 3.1.1 but at the end of the load, Px plays the same tone as before, the main led flashed white then turns solid red.

      I then powered the Px up from the flight lipo with the safety button pressed in (no light on the safety button btw) and it plays the same sequence of tones..

      The only light on the board is a solid green power led.

      And there's now 0.53v at RCIN with a lipo plugged in.

      • Developer

        Why are you doing this?  "I then powered the Px up from the flight lipo with the safety button pressed in (no light on the safety button btw) and it plays the same sequence of tones.."

        What are you expecting to happen?

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