Pixhawk flight log files

My Pixhawk flies level in stable mode and it holds altitude some but could hold it better. But in loiter modes its bad and does not hold. Myself i can't make heads or tails from the graphs except for a bunch of lines so I"m open for any suggestions and comments.



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  • Yes, these logs are not much help.  We need the flight recorder log off the copter.

    In Mission Planner on the HUD menu select DataFlash logs and with the Pixhawk attached by a USB cable select Download DataFlash log Via Mavlink.

    • Maybe these I hope

      2015-12-06 13-46-54.tlog

      2015-12-06 14-18-31.bin

      2015-12-06 13-55-37.tlog

      • Looking at the bin log it looks good.  I see you were only in Loiter for a short time.

        I think the problem here is you are too close to buildings.  The GPS was moving around.  Try flying above the roof line before switching to Loiter or find a more open area away from structures.

        • Well I had been flying very close to my house and my neighbors house also and we both have steel siding. So I will take it across the street to an opne area and see if there is any difference in the flight. And many thanks for checking my files.

          • When reading the graphs is it best/better to have the graph lines at or closer to center or zero?

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