Pixhawk mini with px4 flight stack.

I have done all the calibrations with Q7 transmitter. After arming, not even increasing the throttle 20% my quad gaining very fast while decreasing the throttle descending also very fast.What is the problem and how to solve it?Please help me friends..

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  • Can you send me your whats up number please? It's taking lots of time to clarify my doubt..
  • I haven't tried altitude and position hold..
    I will try and let you know..
  • have you tried other flight modes such as altitude mode or position mode?

    are you using a 3S or 4S lipo?

    were you able to calibrate esc's through qgroundcontrol?

    if the problem only lies with stabilize mode, the travel of throttle input might not center at the right point

  • One month before I have tried pixhawk with kongcopter 700 (quad).i got the same problem but the transmitter was futaba t8j.
    After the i replaced the nazar v2 fc with flysky fs i6x tx.. Then it was flying good..
  • TBS discovery in stabilize mode
  • TBS discovery
  • Hi Baskaran, if you can share a flight log (upload here: http://logs.px4.io/) we'll be able to see what's going on.

    Can you describe what quad you have and which flight modes you've tried?

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