Pixhawk motor test out of order

Hi folks,

I've just changed my APM2.6 to a pixhawk and noticed the motor test is out of sequence which is a bit confusing.

Normal motor test spins motors in turn from "front and right of centerline and clockwise around the frame"

I am getting them spinning a different order: 6, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3

I've checked and rechecked the connections are correct as per: http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/motor-setup/

The ESCs are connected to 1-6 on the pixhawk which corresponds to the previous diagram. 

Am I going made r missing something stupid....

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  • wanted to add - it's a hex, X, latest FW (3.1.5) from MP loaded on.

    • So after much trying to no avail I did a reset via terminal an loaded new firmware. Motor test works fine now...

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