Pixhawk Newbie

Hello - I been using Uthere Ruby for a Penguin for sometime now and have had great success, Now I have built a X8 with Pixhawk, Dragonlink, etc. I been reading online 3DR instructions,forums, etc. My complete setup is :



- Dragonlink UHF with V2 receiver

- Turnigy 9XR Pro

- 800Mw RMRC video Transmitter w/Bluebeam antenna


Problem - Can not get any Tx movement from Elevators/Ailerons, but the motor works-

I can connect to the MissionPlanner I've done the wizard setup

I did setup the 3DR radios and connected

I tried it with Pixhawk armed/unarmed - nothing

I've plugged the Elevators/Ailerons into the channels on the Dragonlink receiver and it works.

       Any tips/help would be helpful. I think I'm missing something in the MissionPlanner or how the wiring goes into the Pixhawk for the elevator/ailerons.



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  • Last night I tried the PPM encoder, just motor activated still no elevator/ailerons.


    • Hi Chris, are you using channels 1 and 2 for the elevons, and if you connect to Mission planner with USB and navigate to the RC set up page do the green bars for channels 1 & 2 move.

      • Yes the Bars are moving in the mission planner, just no movement. The motor fires up.

        • And you have armed by holding down the arming button, and have powered the servo rail via the BEC connection from your ESC to channel 3.

          • That was it, got movement. Question should I power the Pixhawk off a 5V BEC from the battery, Thinking if the ESC craps out, then I would lose all control surfaces. At least the BEC is powered off the Battery.

            • It wouldn't do any harm, quite a few guys here recommend this, keep us posted on how the flights go. :)

          • You may have solved my problem... The only power going into the Pixhawk is coming from the 3DR power module, and I pulled the Red wire out of the throttle channel ( ESC ). So It seems I have not powered the servo rail ! Thanks !!    I'm sure I'll have more questions.

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