Pixhawk POWER FAILURE Please Advise

Greetings everyone!

I am having some trouble with my Pixhawk and was looking for some feedback.

It is a power failure of sorts.  I am using the pixhawk to power a multi-rotor X4 shape.  When I plug my Lipo in, the pixhawk powers up like normal and does its normal chirping and its lights flash as usual and then the main light blinks yellow indicating the lack of GPS signal.  All is great.  After waiting a minute or so, the Beeper will make a Muffled Tick sound and the pixhawk will completely shut off.  All light are out except the "Power" light which is still lit green.  At this point, Motor 1, will beep once every 3-5 seconds or so and ESC 1 gets rather hot.  I have replaced all ESCs and the same problem consists.  My LIPO is charged.. not sure what the problem could be?  Ive Emailed 3DR just incase it is a pixhawk malfunction but thought I should seek advice on DIY as well… 

Any thought?

Thanks Guys,


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