I have an I2CXL sonar sensor that I want to use for altitude measurements indoors. I've connected it to the I2C extender that came with the Pixhawk but for some reason the Pixhawk doesn't seem to see it. The PX4 site isn't very helpful, just saying that up to 6 are supported on the I2C bus. I read elsewhere that I need to make driver for it, but the PX4 site doesn't mention this. If anyone else has had this problem, please let me know what I need to do to fix it.
Have you tried the analog method?
Also, it's unclear from http://www.maxbotix.com/Ultrasonic_Sensors/MB1242.htm whether it comes with I2C connectors/cables or not.
Actually since ArduPilot uses px4 firmware it could be a problem for ArduPlane/ArduCopter users. Cody?
Hi Cody,
That tutorial is for the APM firmware, not PX4. Turns out the driver is commented out in the cmake/configs/nuttx_px4fmu-v2_default.cmake file. Uncommenting the line loaded the driver.
MaxBotix Inc said:
Hello, this is Cody with MaxBotix Inc. I do not know if you have reviewed it already, but the Ardupilot website already has this tutorial on setting up one of our I2C sensors with the Pixhawk. You can view the article at the following link.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact techsupport@maxbotix.com.