Hello everyone,

obviously too green one here :)

I have a hex, trying to get it airborne, but it is acting really weird:

1. in stabilize on 15 % throttle the copter is like to take off

2. in all other flight mode (using gps) on 50% power its not even close to take off.

Why is that, I have calibrated the ESCs. I have flown hours with kk2,1,5 but this is another beer :D

What I have done incorectly?



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  • Andre, thank You for the reply,

    I think that I have read everything. The problem is that I have already broken 2 T-Motor props and am trying to be more conscious. A friend of mine is flying his IRIS on loiter - taking off and landing - no prob. I want to take off on loiter and thats impossible for now.

    Am I missing something in tuning, which parameter I have to check?


  • Learn about altitude hold, and stop flying on ground, in theory. :) it's normal.
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