Hi all,
Today I was flying and testing new ezuhf tx/rx. This was the 4th flight with this new equipment. My flying field has some high power transmission lines nearby. When I flew out 3-500 feet the pixhawk would switch to RTL. this happened a few times, to be expected with new tx. Anyway, my last flight at 350 feet, got an alarm on OSD, RTL kicked in, and the quad just flipped out. Im not very good at diagnosing logs, but it looks like some kind of motor/ESC failure? please help as this happened once before as well when I was running frsky tx/rx. (i thought I got rid of the issue by switching out 2 motors)
after reading a post on RTL failure due to motors stopping, I realized I didnt set the failsafe to the recommended way through MP with <950uS on throttle. it seems like the motors are cutting out when the pix kicks in to RTL. Anyone? bad idea, I think.
I had set the FS only with the EZUHF FS button. previously i had done the same thing, and only after having had this happen i set the FS the recommended way.