Pixhawk SD flash corruption workarounds?

I've been configuring a recently obtained Pixhawk controller with an F450 based frame. The basics are working so far but I've been having an extremely frustrating time iterating on tweaking the configuration. The SD card is constantly getting corrupted. I'm using the latest 3.1.2 firmware. I realize this is a known and documented issue that's been discussed in other threads. But I haven't seen many solutions.

At this point in my tweaking I would prefer a consistently starting vehicle to having access to logs. Is there a configuration parameter where I can disable the requirement for the SD card to be present on startup? It doesn't seem like the SD card should be necessary for basic flight when config values are stored in EEPROM. 

Going forward, it seems like the best firmware solution would be to repair FAT on startup. Is that in the works? 


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  • I think this should be a widely known problem by now.

    Currently there are 2 solutions:

    1. revert patch described in this issue, and build from source yourself - worked for me - even with PX4 sd-card

    2. find a SD that will cooperate.  . the one that came with pixhawk have the most problems , Sandisk 8GB class 10 worked better, without huge filesystem corruptions, but still problems , and a Samsung 64GB class 10/UHC1  works perfectly.  - the last one is of course a huge overkill.

  • Admin


    What brand of SD card is in your Pixhawk?

    I removed the one that came with mine, which appeared to be an off brand, and installed a SanDisk 4GB SD card and have not had anymore corruption problems.


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

    • I'm using the one that was included with it. It has a PX4 silkscreen and haven't managed to successfully google any of the numbers etched on the card so not sure what the brand is.

      I'll pick up a SanDisk card and see if that fixes the problem for now.



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21 hours ago