I have a problem with Pixhawk plane wired and power as it says in manual with secondary backup power source and Zener diode. The plane was flying well while all autumn but at subzero temperature (-5C to -15C) the plane shuts down the motor in mid air.


I fly missions 60-80 min long. It shuted down the motor while first mission, I have changed motor and ESC. 3 missions later it crash again. I did test on the ground, and the motor would turn off after 5 min runnig. I turned the plane on in the office and this is what I saw: https://youtu.be/HMyRHtuzHXk

 (In the video the motor changes rpm by it self).

The motor start to spin, stop, working very in osculation way, or just spin. The way I fixed it, changed throttle output to port 6. It worked for another 3 missions, then changed to port 7 and so on.  So I thought that that something burns out in output port but yesterday I changed throttle back to port 3 and it worked well. Servos connected to PWM 1 and 2 work fine, the problems follows the throttle signal wire. I also get very bad compass variance and ARHS as soon as GPS gets 3D FIX, even after calibration.


All this problems appeared after I build new plane but with LIDAR-lite connected via PWM and updated to the latest Arduplane so it could support LIDAR.  

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  • This is the wireing diagram of plane setup. Just incase...


  • Hello! Did a test today. with Lidar disconected. Plane shuted the motor again, I swithed to FBWA, gained some altitude then switch to AUTO, plane flew for a bit and then shuted motor again so I had to swith to FBWA in then land it. So I guess this mean that ESC is working properly? Seems like problem inside settings or somewhere in Pixhawk... 

    here is full log of todays flight.


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  • Maybe the same problem: http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/quadcopter-crash-log


  • MR60

    Do you have a log file?

    • I ve uploaded logs. Thanks!

      PS Plane didnt crash, it s succseflully landed with motor off:)

    • Yes. but it quite big. I cant upload it here.... Mabey I send a link here to storage where I ll load it up?

      • Developer

        http://www.dropbox.com http://onedrive.com http://drive.google.com etc... are all free online drives you can use 

        • Here are two logs

          37 - crash while mission https://www.dropbox.com/s/rlxbydxm1mogvqp/37.rar?dl=0

          46 - crash while testing https://www.dropbox.com/s/f97o3x6g1uggvb0/46.rar?dl=0

          Dropbox - Error
          Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!
          • Developer

            The ThrOut goes max, so it would seem the autopilot knows it needs more thrust, none happens. Would indicate ESC cut out as a potential problem. (see purple thr.out line max as alt drop, alt error increases)


            for log 46, it seem all ok, as the throttle hunts trying get some thrust, and in stab output follows input


            • Thank you for help Bill! I was blaming ESC as well until this https://youtu.be/HMyRHtuzHXk. This video was shot in the office after the last flight(log 46). In the video you can see that motor started spining by it self straight after I turned the plane on. What was that?

              And in flight "log46" the plane landed with the motor off. After landing I was carrying plane to "home" and while that motor spined a few times. Also on your graph for log 46 where mark 1000000 is you can see I put throttle to full but motor did not react actually.

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