Some advice please. I need to take an informed decision on whether to purchase a Pixhawk or an APM 2.6.
I intend to fly fixed wing photogrammetry missions. As such I need full functionality on the Mission Planner and to be able to log GPS position and other information to merge with exif info on photos.
I assume that at this stage I would be running APM on the Pixhawk? Would there be any functionality I need for this sort of mission missing if I go with a Pixhawk?
I would greatly appreciate any help on this. Thanks, Andrew
If you don't use logs for post processing, then there aren't many Pixhawk advantages at the moment. The most compelling feature it the built in redundancy, all though it isn't all coded yet.
Thanks for your reply Iskess. I will need logging to pick up GPS altitude and attitude data for each triggered cam shot. So it may be that Pixhawk is the way to go on this account.
So, if I go with Pixhawk will I be able to everything that is possible with APM 2.5/6? I know that this is the future platform and that firmware will be developed to take advantage of the more powerful architecture, but are there any disadvantages today with running current Ardupilot Plane firmware on a Pixhawk instead of an APM?