Pixhawk with low KV motors unstable/crash

Round two on flying the quad successfully failed. On the first flight with just easy flying, the quad starts wobbling all over the place until I force it down quickly. Now on run two after a complete flash of the firmware and re setup. During an auto tune it did the same thing. But not actually during the tune as it was paused when I was re-positioning the quad. My guess is the stock pids are two high for the low kv of the motors. I'm not too knowledgeable on adjusting the pids with the Pixhawk but will certainly take some suggestions on where to set them to help it fly better and survive an auto tune. I'm fairly certain it's the stock pids because it is a little unstable just flying it around. I'ts like it can't respond fast enough with the low KV motors and large props. I linked a video of the last couple of minutes before the crash during the auto tune. 

Tarot 650 Ironman

Pixhawk with 3DR GPS

T-Motor 3508-29 380KV

15" 5.5 props

4S 5200

AUW 1590g

Crash vid - https://youtu.be/vA_LnW36m6A

Log file - https://www.dropbox.com/s/68fkzq0ik3o55ke/2016-04-12%2017-24-43.bin?dl=0

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  • what kind of ESC are you using ? Look like a ESC desynchronization when the UAV goes faster.

    Anyway, we are using this kind of configuration and neither use the autotune. CH6 to fine tuned the P pid and around 0.14, the machine fly like a charm.



    InFlight tuning of Roll and Pitch — Copter documentation
    • I'm using Afro 30A ESC's flashed with Blheli. I've tortured tested the ESC's and never ran into any sync issues. So I should drop the rates for pitch and roll slightly right? 

      • yes. Start en Stabilize, and when it look good, Alt Hold and Loiter.

        We get once this sync problem, playing hard with the quad. But I guess theses machines are not good for race. Just auto mission at 10 m/s...

        • Ok one more question. The lower the value for example (0.0800) the slower the quad will respond right? Or is that backwards. 

          • yes. Start at 0.15 and I bet that you will not be below 0.14

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