Pixhawk wrong directions

Hey all,I was building my F450 Quadcopter since the last days. Yesterday I tried to fly for the first time. Now, I have 2 Problems:1) The Copter is completely unstable in the Stabilize-Mode. It drifts right and left and up and down. I dont know why.2) The Front direction of the Pixhawk and the GPS+Compass Module is in the direction of the two red arms. But if I want to fly forward, The Copter goes right or left. So I can say that he "thinks", that his nose is between the white and the red arm. I dont know why.My setup is:DJI F450 FramePixhawk Controller, newest Arducopter VersionTMotor Air Gear 350 Populsion SystemCalibrated ESCs, Compass and Accelerometer.3dr power module, LiPo 5000mah 4sGraupner MZ18, GR24 ReceiverHere a Video: https://youtu.be/vT8SHf0RuC8Please help me, I dont know what is Wrong.

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  • Did you ever figure it out?  I'm building an F550 Hex and it will hover fine, but goes in all the wrong directions.

    • Hi, the Channels on my remote were wrong changed.
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