Pixhawk2.1 ArduRover random full speed reverse

I am using a Pixhawk2.1,  RoboClaw motor controller  and Mssion Planner to control a rover. I have most things working well except for one issue I cannot figure out. The PixHawk outputs to the RoboClaw on channels 1 and 3 using skid steering. Regardless of flight mode Learn, Manual or Auto the motors will randomly run at high speed in reverse for about half a second once the Rover is armed. If I drive the rover for 4-5 minutes this may happen twice or it may happen 15 times while driving. Same thing in all modes. I have attached the log file. When the file was recorded I did not use the RC transmitter so the random spikes you see are from whatever is causing the problem after I armed the Pixhawk. I am trying to use the log file to determine the problem but so far have not been successful. I did try turning off throttle fail safe and RC fail safe but it had not affect on the problem. 

2017-10-18 14-40-02.bin

2017-10-18 14-40-02.log

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  • What is interesting is whatever the Pixhawk and Mission Planner were sensing about the RC signal is not recognized by the Spectrums Fail safe. I setup the fail safe on the Spektrum and it did not have the intermittent RC drop that I saw in the Mission Planner Fail Safe setup screen. In MP while watching the Fail safe setup screen all values would drop to 0 intermittently sometimes 5-10 times in a minute when it was really bad. Each drop caused the Rover throttle to run full speed reverse. I don't know what is wrong with the DSMX remote receiver but a new one fixed the problem. I think I'll keep the old one and just not use it with the Pixhawk and MP since it works OK straight RC. 

  • I think I have solved the problem. I replace the Spektrum DSMX remote receiver and it seems to have fixed the problem. I am not sure why when the RC drops the rover ignores the fail safe settings and goes into high throttle. I'll work on solving the fail safe issue next. I'm glad it it no longer keeps dropping the RC signal which was triggering the fail safe. 

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