Hi all

Please help me with a problem i have been having with the APM 2. 

Whenever I take off my quad copter wobbles at about 4Hz and climbs. 

Sounds like the gains are too high and overshooting was my first thought but no matter what gains i use the same behavior happens, wether i am flying in stabalise or acro mode. 

I have spend days playing with all of the PID values to try get rid of this with no success. 

Im no beginner when it comes to quads i have built from scratch and flown, rebuilt and crashed a hundred times. so all the usual things like motors backwards, wrong props etc should not be contributing. To prove this i built 2 identical quads, one controlled with a kk2 board, flew the quad to ensure that it was working perfect, then put the APM onto that quad but i still get the same bad behavior. 

I have setup the software twice and when connected to mission planner all the hud and gyros seam to work fine i.e. left shows up left and so on. i have run all of the pre setup procedures, calibrated compas, accels and transmitter multiple times to try get this to work.

Finally i have spent a week searching the internet for something to help me with no luck and im helping the knowledge here will solve my problem

So the quad is a 450mm flamewheel running 1200kV motors 10" x 4.5 props, 30 amp afro ESC's on a 3S 3000mah LiPo. Frsky reciever and a 9xr Transmitter. 

I would love to hear that im doing something simple wrong so please help. 

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  • Sure sounds like you've covered the bases and just have a bad APM. Have you used that APM before? Power module?

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