Hi All, 

I have just upgraded to mission planner 1.3.6 build 1.1.5306.14681 and I can not get the compass calibration to work. I am building a new copter and this is a show stopper for me since you can't arm without compass calibration (quite sensibly! )

I just tried on my old copter which used to calibrate fine and its not possible there too ... can you help?

Please see attached screenshot for error details.

PC is running Windows 8.1




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          • It's an epidemic!!

            Hope that the Dev's can help on this one!! They do a fantastic job so I don't want to be at all critical!

            Copters Piling up (literally) waiting to fly!



        • Well, I went back to AC 3.1.4 and MP 1.3.4 build 1.1.5258.36011... still walking in circles, both literally and figuratively.

          3702761195?profile=originalI shall go back further and see what happens.

  • Hi Andy!

    As you can see, you're not alone having this problem.  I'm in the same boat as most of you.  And since it was my first experience on the APM platform, I looked on my end over and over again, making the Calibration Dance in my solarium, until the neighbor called the cops on me, thinking I was insane ;-)  I'm happy to see that I was not, since I found this post in here!

    So there IS a cure for this ... let's call it « a Bug » for the time being, shall we?  I'll try to find the older version (1.3.5) of this Software on DIY Drones then.

    Thanks to all the Members that replied to Andy!  It helped me too!

    Yours truly,


  • I am having the same issue with the latest Missoin planner and apm planner. 

    • Admin


      Since both MP and APM Planner 2.0 exhibit the same symptoms, it probably is a firmware issue.


      TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

      • I went to an older build of apm planner. 2.0.11 and it calibrated fine.

        • How do I get back to the older version to check? Auto update is a great feature but I can't figure out how to get back to something known to work.


          • Developer
            You can find older versions on firmware.diydrones
            • Craig, is it only trunk right now that is compatible to the multiple compas calibration? Or any 3.2, like rc2?

  • I am having same issue Updated mission planer to 1.3.6 build 1.1.5306.14681 and updated firmware on apm 2.6 to the 3.1.5 y6 B configuration. I started the Wizard and get "There was an unexpected error" during the Calibrate your Compass screen. Windows 7 Pro OS on computer. 


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