Possible improvement for the Ardu Configurator GUI

Over on the AeroQuad side, we just found and fixed a problem with how the APM and it's ADC talks to the configurator.  There are times when the APM would just become unresponsive, primarily after an initeeprom.  You could resolve this by disconnecting and reconnecting, but that was a PITA.


We found that the ardu code in the ADC library has a variable called adc_counter that is declared as type char, and yet it needs to be type int....


Don't know if this will improve the use of the ardu configurator, but it might be worth a shot...


Just figured I'd spread the new, you'll have to determine if it's applicable.



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  • Developer
    Mainly we are now using CLI and moving towards full GCS systems that are using MAVLink communications protocols. Configurator is just an Configuration program and CLI is already more powerful. From MAVLink based GCS programs you can do a lot more than just upload PID values.
  • 3D Robotics

    Alan, thanks for that. I assume you're referring to the ArduCopter RC2 code? If so, that's no longer being developed by the core team and has been transferred to the ArduPirates team. You might report this issue to them in their RCG thread.

    The core ArduCopter team will soon release a new ArduCopter codebase that doesn't use the Congifurator anymore.

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