"Never mind, for some reason, you have to have it connected to the satellite, once I did that things and rebound, things started working... bizarre..."
Anyone get a DX8 - AR8000 receiver to work with the APM? I'm stuck with mine just showing 1200 as the value of the inputs..Yes, it's connected right, yes the receiver works perfectly, yes, I've tried 11ms vs. 22ms and DSMX vs DSM2... nothing works.…
Over on the AeroQuad side, we just found and fixed a problem with how the APM and it's ADC talks to the configurator. There are times when the APM would just become unresponsive, primarily after an initeeprom. You could resolve this by…
"I ordered boards from the diystore and they came with too much solder... I couldn't insert the xbee on one side and only about 3 pins on the other were clear.
I just grabbed some solder wick, and solder sucker, first used the wick, then the sucker…"
"Did I miss something, I thought it was at BMA-180 and not an ADXL-345 (which based upon the recent study of accuracy was the worst of the lot?)... The board in this shot shows theBMA, not the ADXL- which is it?
"ya, that's where I got the stk500 command line, I don't have the AVRISP however instead I have a couple of other programmers and was just hoping that someone might have tried this using AVRDUDE instead of stk500.exe
Would anyone have the command line that could be used with avrdude to reload the PPM encoder? I've got an adafruit usbtiny programmer and avrdude, but I'm not sure of the command line version... I think I've decoded the fuse bytes, etc from the…