Possible Mission Planner Feature Addition


Just an idea (or maybe it's been implemented and I don't know about it) but I notice in the flight planning screen of Mission Planner that it keeps track of the total length of each leg between waypoints so I am curious to know how easy it would be to add a display that keeps track of the total distance of the flight plan, and estimated flight time? (Time should be easy since the speed that UAV moves at is controlled by the autonomous flight options of the config file - Distance / Speed). Would be a good feature for making sure you won't have a battery issue during the flight plan. 

I suppose this could be done in an excel file, but seems kind of redundant when all the data needed is already present in MP so it shouldn't be hard to automate the calculation in MP. But then I'm a rank amateur when it comes to programming so maybe I'm wrong....

Anyhow, thanks! 

- Jesse

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