Powering APM 2.5 board with Multistar ESC

I am trying to power an APM 2.5 in a 6S system so I am using an Attopilot voltage/current sensor but it doesn't power the board.  Can I power it by plugging in one (or multiple?) of the connectors from the ESC's to the output rail with JP1 connected? This is the ESC: http://hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__25366__Turnigy_Multistar_45_Amp_Multi_rotor_Brushless_ESC_2_6S.html.

It has a 5.5v 6A BEC.  Is this too much voltage?

It's in a hexacopter by the way so no servos to power.

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  • Thanks for the info. I am running it from one UBEC for now but I'm ordering a 5v BEC.

  • Best option is to use a seperate UBEC. 5.5v is getting too high for the Input Headers. Best option is to get a UBEC that is 5v to 5.25v and power the input header being very careful of reverse polarity. Next best option is to use your 5.5v UBEC to power the Output side with JP1 in place (No servos!). The last choice is to use one of your ESC BECs to power the Output side with JP1 installed. Never use more than one BEC, it will not provide the redundancy you hope for, but rather will cause an overheat in one of the ESCs.

    Read this for more details: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1820773&page=137
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