Greetings People,
After configuring initial setup and calibrations, I tried to arm my copter, and it failed.
When I went to the flight data screen it displayed that "Servo 9 minimum is greater than trim".
Please does anyone have a solution for this problem.
Kindest regards
I forgot to thank you for, your help, thanks a million and many cheers to you sky Master.
Greetings skyMaster,
I went back and adjusted my servo 9 settings by increasing the trim value, and lowering the min value
and that cleared trim below min value pre arm safety check now this is what am getting, but if i preed the safety switch it does arm, but before you get the bright green light on GPS fix, but now you have to push in the safety switch before it does to the bright green light..
Can you upload some pics of mission planner screens where you are seeing the error?
Franklin said:
Greetings thanks for the reply; \From the info on the planner, I get sps lock, but the pre arm fail from thr planner says that the pre arm fail is due to " servo 9 minimum greater that trim", I dont know how now I went to configure and when to servo and increased the value of the trim and lowered the minimum value, now the message went off but the dark green light that signifies ready to arm never came on, but when i pushed the safety switch and powered the quad it armed on but I did not attempt to fly it.f.
iSkyMaster said:
I am personally not familiar with Spectrum DX7 TX and RX using Mission planner. I only use Taranis or Futaba radios.
If I attempt to make an educated guess, it sounds like when you push the throttle stick to the bottom right corner to arm the Pixhawk (Assuming you have used the pushed button on Pixhawk to arm it also), its probably the channel 9 on you radio? for some reason Pixhawk is not getting the minimum PWN value it needs to go into arm mode.
1. Do you know how enable disable Pre Arm safety checks in Mission planner? if not read this article
One of your Pre Arm check conditions might be failing as well. Its either GPS lock or any other parameter you have asked Pixhawk to check, before it can arm the motors.
Also, here is info on Spectrum DX7 radio and RX setup.
Franklin said:
Greetings iSkyMaster
I am using PX4 pixhawk, and mission planner
the copter is a quad copter X configuration. and for transmitter using Spectrum DX7
Thanking you in advance and sorry for leaving out
the necessary information.
What copter, what flight controller, what ground control software are u using? :)
I wish we can be mind readers...