Problem: 3DR Radio modules don't connect at all!

Hello everyone,,,
I'm working on an Aerial Land Surveying System specified for area calculations, using a Quadcopter with APM 2.6 flight controller.

I'm done with almost everything with the system and I'm using Raspberry Pi 3 as my Ground Station.
I only have a problem in the 3DR Radios connection, they're not ever getting connected either using APM Planner (Running on Raspberry Pi 3), or Mission planner (Running on Windows 10), I always get the "No Heartbeat Packets Received" error although I'm choosing the correct port at 57600 baud rate. Also, I can establish the connection using USB.

I can Load Settings for both modules and they are typical. I also tried connecting the Air module to my laptop using FTDI board and uploaded a new firmware to it, nothing changed!
Green leds for both modules are quite stable, but, I recently noticed that the red led for the Air module flashes so weak, while the Ground module's one flashes regularly.

I unplug the USB cable while trying to connect the Radios, I tried using different firmware for Radios, Mission planner, and for the flight controller itself. All giving the same problem, I only once got the connection successful and it lasted 40 seconds before getting dropped (Red leds flashed regularly for both modules that time). Tx and Rx are connected to APM properly though.

I'm assuming that I have a hardware problem with my Air module as the red led flashes so weak. Does anyone know what's the matter or should I purchase a new one?
Both telemetry modules are new and they never had a flight.

Attached photos for both modules

Thanks all,,



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  • most of all, those are are not "3DR" radios, not even close.

    3DR is a company, and those are a some clone or similar product , most likely using the same HopeRF chip.  - it's even unusual for the clones to use full HM-TRP module.

    • Andre, I'm using genuine HM-TRP from HopeRF in my modems, but I'm PL, not CN :-)


      • Marcin, it's not your devices I were commenting, but the thread author's. :)

        • Yep, I know, that was a little piece of advertisement for good quality stuff ;-)

  • Switch Rx-Tx lines on air side

    • Tried doing so, still got the same problem.
      I'm now connecting Radio Tx to APM Rx and Radio Rx to APM Tx
      • Disconnect 3DR radio from APM, power up radio with different source, short Rx with Tx on air module, open terminal program on PC and try to send some text via it. If it will show back on terminal screen - problem is not in radio link.

        • Do you mean connecting the air module to PC using FTDI then doing so?

          • No, connect ground module to PC as usual. Then power up air module with APM unconnected and Rx-Tx shorted, so radiolink should loop your transmission.

            • I received data for only 2 seconds and then the connection got dropped again. The air module red led still flashes weakly whenever I send data, while the ground module flashes regularly.

              Attached a photo of X-CTU terminal while doing the above process, I only got the data received back for 2 seconds at the beginning.

              I tried powering the telemetry using 5v supply from the APM auxiliary pins, and from an external power supply, nothing changed. 


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