problem changing rate pid's on the apm

For some reason when I load the latest firmware (Arducopter 2.0.49) using the latest APM (v1.86) downloaded from google ardupilot code when I try to change the rate roll and pitch PID's I  get a failed to write error message. Has anyone else had this problem? Is the Ardupilot APM not comparable with Arducopter?When I load an older firmware (arducopter v2.0.40) with an older APM (v1.68) it seems to work fine.Any ideas?

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  • Hi

    Another way to solve the problem is to upload the code(049) to apm with Arduino. It works for me for both hexa and quad.


    Best regards


  • 3D Robotics

    There is a report in the Issue Tracker of a small bug with changing PIDs via MAVlink in the latest version when your CLI switch is in Flight Mode. You can change them with the switch in CLI mode in the meantime until the bug is fixed. Thanks to Olivier Adler for the catch/fix

  • I have the exact  same problem.  Are you using xbee?

  • I had this the other day, I changed the USB cable and the problem went away.

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