Hello All,

I've gotten the ArduPilot GCS Beta2 up and running after installing the drivers. Today I made several test flights, primarily trying out the GCS and trying out my new Sony Bloggie HD video camera. Both performed flawlessly! Now I'm home reviewing the data files and trying to view the KML files in Google Earth. The problem I'm having is that I can't change the view, no matter what I try the zoom and position keep snapping back to center. Unfortunately, this means I can't see the whole flight path, nor can I change the viewpoint. All I can do is look at the area within the screen from above the home position.

I'm sure it's something simple, but for the life of me it escapes me! If anybody can shed some light on what I'm missing, I'd appreciate it.

I have attached a sample set of data files from one of my flights today.





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  • 3D Robotics
    Your file works fine on my Google Earth. Are you using the latest version of GE? Here's what it looks like on my screen:

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