Hi All,

I am currently writing a MATLAB script to send high level command to Pixhawk loaded with PX4 firmware.
The setup:
1- Mac OS X 10.9.5
2- MATLAB R2015a
3- 3DR telemetry module
4- quad rotor with Pixhawk onboard with 3DR telemetry module
In the MATLAB script, after connecting one 3DR telemetry module to the Mac(via USB), not yet powered the quad which has the other telemetry module,
1- I use the serial communication function to create a serial object with baud=57600. This
2- I use the 'fopen(serial object)' to open the port
The previous steps work fine.
However, once I power the quad on, and both 3DR telemetry modules give constant green LED, which means they found each other, the keyboard and mouse on the Mac get locked up, even if I can see the text cursor is blinking in MATLAB (so it does not hang or give me the 'Busy' status). The only way so far that I can regain use of the keyboard and mouse is to restart the Mac.
I am not sure why is this happening ?
Any idea/suggestions are appreciated.
[EDIT]: 10/18/2015
Problem is solved. Just keep reading from the port.

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