

I have been trying to simulate two UAV's in qGroundControl. I was able to start multiple instances of jmavsim from PX4 codebase from src/Firmware/jMAVSim using the below command.

java -cp lib/*:out/production/jmavsim_run.jar me.drton.jmavsim.Simulator -udp

It does open the simulator GUI. The problem is with the qGroundControl. It does open a auto-UDP link, and  when I set the listening port in Comm Links to 14556 , I get a warning saying that the vehicle is using the same id as qGroundControl, but it does't show the parameters tab to change the id.  Could someone plz tell me what's wrong ? Is the problem with the port number I'm using in the command to start simulator? I did try changing the qGroundControl id from 255 to something else but the problem still exists.

I'm out of ideas now. Could someone please help?

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