Hello!Does anyone know how to get the copter to circle the target when the target has stopped moving ?I am using PX4 code and Pixhawk FC.Thanks in advance :)
Have you found a way to get this working?
I am trying to achieve something similar using PX4 code for my thesis work. I want the copter to circle the target in Follow me mode when the target stops moving. I tried using Quaternions but I am…"
I have been trying to check if my custom mavlink msg has been received by the Pixhawk by adding a print in my msg handle function in mavlink_receiver.cpp. I do not have an FTDI cable to connect to port SER 4/5, which apparently displays all the…
I am trying to achieve something similar but without Mavproxy.
I am trying to send MAV commands to Pixhawk through a python script via the serial port. Currently, I do not have the hardware. I am wondering if this can be tested in…"
"I have actually given them different system ids. The qGCs identifies them as two different vehicles, yet the behaviour is unpredictable. I will still have a look.
Is there a way to simulate the drones only in jmavsim?
All I want to do is, test a…"
"Hi ,
I could simulate two drones using distinct MAV ids, but the problem I'm facing is that the drones are not responding to missions well. They seem to be flying everywhere and then crashing. This happens only when I simulate two drones.
"1. add a vehicle to tcp5760 . Does it need to be done in qGC comm links ? Peng Cheng said:
Yeah, by default qGCS listen to udp:localhost:14550. You have 2 options:
1. add a vehicle to tcp5760
2. use MAVProxy to direct tcp5760 to udp14550, setting…"
I am working on my thesis project. The goal is to develop a follow algorithm for the Pixhawk to follow a car. I am new to PX4 programming. After a little research I found that 'follow_target' has been implemented in /modules/navigator/…"
Hello!I have a script to extract GPS data from a text file and send MAVlink messages via the serial port. Currently I don't have the hardware and would like to test the functionality through simulation. Could someone tell me which virtual serial…
"@Shyam Thnx for such a detailed reply. Will look into this.
I was currently trying to simulate two drones using PX4 SITL. I am able to get two drones on a map in qGCS, plan missions and fly.
What I would like to achieve is , plan missions for the…"
"Hi! I'm trying to simulate multiple UAVs in PX4 SITL. I am trying to start two instances of jmavsim , but I am kinda stuck. How did you configure udp ports for different instances? Pere Molins Ayuso said:
What I ended up doing is creating…"
Hello,I have been merging a branch into the latest master of PX4. It seems like the master has moved to mavlink v2.0. I created a custom dialect and generated the headers, made the necessary changes for the custom headers to be used. I am running…