Problem with DO_JUMP in mission planner


Today I did a new test with the arduplane 2.71 software.

I made a new mission with 6 waypoints and a DO_JUMP command to return to WP1 and repeat this 3 times.

I knew DO-commands couldn't be the last command in a mission, so I placed a RTL as last command.


The result wasn't really what I expected:

The first run of the mission is perfect, until WP5 ... The DO_JUMP didn't work.

I suppose I should have placed a real WP after the DO-command, so I can understand why it didn't work.

However, the real problem is what happened next:


As from WP 5 it goes into RTL-mode (OK, because no WP after DO)

However, my Launch-point seems to be reset to WP1 instead of the real start location.

I saw my plane flying around WP1 and invoked RTL on my transmitter, but this didn't help

my, because the arduplane was already in RTL-mode.

luckily WP1 was not too far away, so I could recover the plane in stabilisation mode.

So after this rather long intro, the question :-)

Is it normal that my RTL-location has been reset to WP1.

This seems weird behaviour, even though there was an error in the mission statements.

Kind regards,


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  • Soren,

    I've been trying to figure out how the command processor works with nav and non-nav commands for some time and just found your post, great description! The description on the Wiki leaves some gaps in the area most important to me, the processing of non-nav commands in cases where there are very few nav commands. In my particular use case (360 degree aerial panoramas from a fixed point in the air), the nav waypoints are incidental and, for the most part, not needed by me. I just fly the 'copter to a point in the sky, then I want it to loiter while the mission commands the camera gimbal to point the camera at various angles and take pictures using a series of DO_SET_SERVO, CONDITION_YAW, and DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL commands.

    I thought I'd write up a description and request that it be added to the Wiki but I'd like to verify a few things first, especially around what you described as "The special cases where there are no more blocks or when the navigation command of the next block completes before the last non-navigation command of the previous block are not so important here." These are exactly the issues that are the most important in my case.

    Could you answer a couple questions for me?

    What I am finding is that in the case where the "navigation command of the next block completes before the last non-navigation command of the previous block", it appears to me that the remaining non-navigation commands are skipped and not executed. The only way to get them executed is to introduce a delay in the navigation command of the "next block" that gives enough time for the non-navigation commands of the previous block to complete (e.g., a Waypoint command with zero Lat, Lon, and Alt and a few seconds of delay).

    1. Is that what you found also?

    I'm not sure what happens in the case where there are no more blocks since my last command is always an RTL which, according to your description, will terminate the mission and any non-nav commands not yet executed within the few milliseconds between the last nav command and the RTL will be skipped.

    2. Is that correct?

    Right now I'm using a series of Waypoint commands with zero Lat, Lon, and Alt and a few seconds of delay between each non-nav command to give the 'copter enough time to yaw, then to allow time for the camera gimbal pitch angle to change, and again for the shutter release time. Using Waypoints causes some other issues so I'm looking at substituting CONDITION_DELAY commands but it appears from the description that it won't delay execution of the next nav command so I'm back to needing either a Waypoint command with a delay between each non-nav command or at the end of the non-nav block with enough time for the entire block of non nav commands to execute.

    3. Is that your understanding too?



  • I downloaded the source code for arduplane 2.71

    and browsed through commands_logic.pde

    If we look at the tlog file, we see the following after WP5 is reached:

    First the WP7 is executed (rtl) and then WP6 (do_jump) is executed.

    CMD, 7, 5, 20, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0
    CMD, 7, 6, 177, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0

    This is normal according to the explication of soren!

    however when I look at the source code in commands_logic.pde

    when you execute the rtl-command in WP7, the APM LEAVES AUTO mode !!!!! :





    static void do_RTL(void)
        control_mode    = RTL;   <------------------------------------------
        crash_timer     = 0;
        next_WP                 = home;
        loiter_direction = 1;

        // Altitude to hold over home
        // Set by configuration tool
        // -------------------------
        next_WP.alt = read_alt_to_hold();

        if (g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_MODE)



    according to the tlog-file the next command which gets executed is:

    CMD, 7, 6, 177, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0

    which is my do_jump command

    we are not in auto-mode anymore, but de do_jump is still executed:


    static void do_jump()
        if ( == 0) {
            // the jump counter has reached zero - ignore
            gcs_send_text_fmt(PSTR("Jumps left: 0 - skipping"));
        if (next_nonnav_command.p1 >= g.command_total) {
            gcs_send_text_fmt(PSTR("Skipping invalid jump to %i"), next_nonnav_command.p1);

        struct Location temp;
        temp = get_cmd_with_index(g.command_index);


    this last part bothers me a little:

    struct Location temp;
        temp = get_cmd_with_index(g.command_index);

    is the value g.command_index still valid when you are not in AUTO mode anymore?

    I suppose the index will be reset to WP1 when the mission is finished, so the struct location temp will be set to the coordinates of WP1?

    Should a DO-command still be executed when the plane already left auto-mode?


    It's the first time that I look at the arduplane code so it's possible that I'm completely wrong :-)

    in that case you can just ignore my comment :-)

    kind regards,


  • Moderator

    Was full 3D GPS lock achieved before launch? Did it not perhaps only get a lock at WP1? Can you upload a tlog?

  • Hi,

    Now I don't know the GMX or KML plots you have there... how do you know that the plane went into RTL, is that the blue color?

    I have looked into the command process code and see some half dubious things, but so far nothing that could shift the home position just like that..

    Can you post the mission file and telemetry and/or onboard logs?



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