Problem with joystick setup

Dear all:
In MissionPlanner, if using a USB gamepad or joystick to control de UAV when the autopilot is connected to de PC via USB everything goes right. 
But, when connecting to the autopilot using a USB XTend Modem, if we enable the USB joystick after the connection, the communication with the autopilot seems to fail. Suddenly, the motors appears as armed and disarmed, the artificial horizont gets slowed, and even the UAV icon changes from a quadrotor to a rover.
It seems that enabling the joystick saturates the bandwidth of the modem and messages gets lost, because if we don't enable it we haven't problems.
Thanks in advance!

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  • Have you tried using MissionPlanner on a different computer?

    Otherwise there's other ground control software you could use instead: qGroundControl, MAVProxy.

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