Problem with MinimSD

I have APM 2.0 - ArduPlane 2.6

MinimOSD v. 0.1 with loaded firmware 1.9 for Mavlink 1.0.

When only MinimOSD connected - working perfect (gnd, +5 and rx lines), but when Xbee Pro 900 is also connected - "waiting on Mavlink" message all the time.

Any suggestions what to do with this?



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  • ps.

    when connected both - minimosd and xbee - telemetry link via xbee working good, only on video -  "waiting for mavlink".

    During connection procedure between APM and Mission Planner - just at the end of transmitting parameters - for approx 1 second - MinimOsd working ok (first - "requesting data", then normal display with data, and after a second - again  "waiting..." message on the screen.


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