Problem with roll axis...

3690985474?profile=originalI built a FlameWheel 450 V2, APM2.5, CN06 V2.0 GPS, 915Mhz Telemetry, E70 sonar. V2.8.1 Quadcopter in “X” configuration.  I mounted two(2) 2200 3S LiPo’s outboard (see photo) on the lower frame.  Quad is a little unsettled on roll axis.  Do I need to mount the batteries on the machine centerline or can I tune PID for the roll axis to eliminate the quirkiness?  Any suggestions on what PID to change?

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  • T3
    Why 2 batteries? Why not just use a 5000mAh 3S? Also you want to keep your weight center and low. I tried to mount my GoPro camera on top of my copter with its case and boy did my copter fly funny. Really top heavy.
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