Problem with XTend and MAVLink on APM

I have a couple Digi XTend 1W 900MHz modules that I am trying to get working with APM 2.23 and APM Planner 1.0.63.


I have the modules set up for 57600-8-N-1 and they seem to be working fine as a serial link (I can hook them both up to my computer, open a couple terminals, and chat with myself).


I'm also able to enter CLI -> test -> xbee and use the APM as a loopback. I can do the X-CTU range test through the APM as described in the manual here:


However, I'm not able to get a MAVLink connection with APM Planner. MAVLink works fine over the FTDI serial interface. When I try to connect through the XTend modules though, the status popup gets to "Getting Params.. (sysid 1)" and then fails (relevant APM Planner console dump below).


Any ideas as to why the serial link works in general, but not with MAVLink? I'm new to wireless telemetry, so it could be something obvious.


bps 0 loss 0 left 11
lost 34
bps 11 loss 1 left 11
MAv Data: len 11 btr 11
ID 1 1
lost 36
68686868686868686868MAVLINK: wait time out btr 6 len 9
bps 22 loss 2 left 1
bps 11 loss 2 left 11
MAVLINK: wait time out btr 5 len 9
bps 11 loss 2 left 0
MAVLINK: wait time out btr 5 len 9
bps 11 loss 2 left 0
bps 11 loss 2 left 11
getParamList Retry 3 sys 1 comp 1
MAVLINK: wait time out btr 5 len 9
bps 11 loss 2 left 0
MAVLINK: wait time out btr 5 len 9
bps 11 loss 2 left 0
bps 11 loss 2 left 8
MAVLINK: wait time out btr 5 len 9
bps 11 loss 2 left 0
MAVLINK: wait time out btr 5 len 9
bps 11 loss 2 left 0
getParamList Retry 2 sys 1 comp 1
MAVLINK: wait time out btr 5 len 9
bps 11 loss 2 left 11
bps 11 loss 2 left 11
MAVLINK: wait time out btr 5 len 9
bps 11 loss 2 left 0
bps 11 loss 2 left 11
bps 11 loss 2 left 11
getParamList Retry 1 sys 1 comp 1
bps 11 loss 2 left 11
MAVLINK: wait time out btr 5 len 9
bps 11 loss 2 left 0
MAVLINK: wait time out btr 5 len 9
bps 11 loss 2 left 0
bps 11 loss 2 left 11
MAVLINK: wait time out btr 5 len 9
bps 11 loss 2 left 0
remote lost 0
REQ streams - flightdata
Mavlink Bad Packet (crc fail) len 5 crc 30354 pkno 0
Serial Reader fail :The port is closed.
Request stream MAV_DATA_STREAM_EXTENDED_STATUS at 1 hz : currently 0
Request stream MAV_DATA_STREAM_POSITION at 3 hz : currently 0
Request stream MAV_DATA_STREAM_EXTRA1 at 10 hz : currently 0
Request stream MAV_DATA_STREAM_EXTRA2 at 10 hz : currently 0
Request stream MAV_DATA_STREAM_RAW_SENSORS at 3 hz : currently 0
Request stream MAV_DATA_STREAM_RC_CHANNELS at 3 hz : currently 0
Not a 1280
Not a 2560

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  • Hey guys,  

    How is the range testing going? 

  • Well, it works now.


    Long story short, my XTend modules came with the RT parameter (GPI1 purpose) set to [1 - BINARY COMMAND INDICATOR]. I set it to [0 - UNUSED] on the GCS module and everything works great. Since the other option is [2 - RTS FLOW CONTROL], I'm guessing that the computer was setting it when ready, putting the module into some mode where it wasn't ready to put data into the Tx buffer.


    Next up, range test!

  • Hope you find a solution. I've got a couple xtends I'd like to use as well.

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