Problems recalibrating ESCs, help please.

Hello, I have just updated to the latest 2.05 code and been through all of the reinitialisation steps, but I'm struggling to get the motors working right.

On the first 2 attempts at calibrating the ESCs, the AC2 Setup screen that shows the motor outputs as green bars showed them all running at very diifferent speeds.

On the  second 2 attempts, when armed, the motors all immediately ran at 50% power constantly and ignored the throttle input altogether. I can see the throttle channel responding correctly with its green bar.

I have been following the automated ESC calibration instructions at

At the point where the battery is reconnected and the ABC lights flash in sequence there is a repeated sequence of tones and musical notes from the quad. What do these tones mean and does it matter at what point here I move the throttle from full to zero?

Please can someone advise what I'm doing wrong?


One final question, in the CLI setup mode, what does the MOTORS command do - I can't seem to find any instructions for it?




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  • In the auto calibration is says.


    • Plug in your ArduCopter LiPo battery as usual. The ABC lights will flash in sequence
    • Drop your throttle stick to the lowest position


    Does that mean when the ABC lights flash in sequence to drop the throttle?

    This is almost immediately right?

    Because after they flash in sequence the motors start singing some tunes and it makes me wonder if I should let them stop.

  • limebear

    I too have this same problem

    I have tried the recalibration probably 10 times, whenever I test it, the motors maintain high revs and the throttle does not have any control.

    I have followed the instructions in the CLI setup to the letter but have had no luck.

    It is as if the ESC calibration has saved the max throttle value as the minimum as well.

    When checking the radio panel the Tx throttle seems to be behaving normally.


    Any clues?????????

  • wait a second, you are too fast and throwing things together which don't belong together

    first of all, you need to calibrate your ESCs only once (the first time you upload the code, you usually don't need to ever recalibrate them)


    the green motor bars only show the APM output, not the real ESC behaviour, these are two complete different things.


    when connecting the battery, wait until your copter is quiet, do nothing with your sticks. These beep tones are from the ESCs, they do a self check and indicate how many cells you have connected


    motors running on different speeds is normal when your quad is not leveled

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