I have recently built arducopter with following configuration
TX: Futaba 10C
RX: Futaba R617FS
ArduPilot Mega with APM
Media Tek GPS
I having problem with Configurator Tool. When I enable magnetometer in stable mode and try to update it the Configurator Tool gets disconnected. On the Flight Data screen of Configurator tool the motor chart shows no response when i tilt the arducopter. And serial motor command doesn't work for me. Can someone plz help....
I have attached few pics.
I also have the same issue with config.Ii change values and then push the update button resulting that Config hangs.
Luckely I have xbee and this works with config.
You could try an earlier version of config.
Assuming you are doing what's on this page:
Did you enable your magnetometer in the firmware/code that you uploaded ( this needs to be done before the above)?