Hi there,

What's the process for updating the MinimOSD? I want to be able to upgrade to 2.6 on my APM, but I don't want to lose my OSD... and I can't for the live of me work out, nor find instructions on how to update the MinimOSD. 

I've tried this:


I bought a FTDI Serial adapter, but I seem to be missing the USB driver as I can't connect via the COM port that is shown. 

Anyone know where I get the driver?



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  • Thanks very helpful

  • Jani,

    Recenly bought APM 2.5 and Minimo OSD but didn´t realize I need the FTDI cable to update OSD firmware, can it be done trough the APM?

    Fact is I live in Guatemala so buying a $4.00 dollar cable and shipping it would mean about $40.00... Do you know some alternative way to update the firmware on the Minimo board? one that does not go trough a FTDI cable?



  • Developer

    Alex, you need to upload new firmware to OSD with OSD Configurator. Look ArduCam-OSD download area and you will find configurator for it. Configurator looks a bit same like IOBoard configurator but it has been designed for OSD use. 

    APM1/2/2.5 all are updated with Mission Planner software. 

    FTDI driver can be found from FTDI website or Arduino IDE software packet. Correct FTDI driver is that so called VCP driver. 

  • Developer

    Alex, MiniOSD and MinimOSD both are working already with ArduCopter 2.6 versions. Go download area on ArduCAM-OSD repository and get MiniOSD_19_MAV10.hex. Upload that to your board and it starts to work with AC 2.6.

    Driver for your FTDI cable you can find from FTDI Website. Get the VCP driver and then choose your operating system. 

    jD-MiniOSD v1.2 MAVLink compatible OSD
    R/C UAV and ArduCopter manufacturer and one stop shop. We make your FPV come true.
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