
Guys,I recently installed the ArduPilot Mega (latest version with OilPan) on my 2 meter Dynaflite Daydream glider, after adding an electric motor to it. I have been able to manage to tweak the P-gains to get the Servo rolls right ( under the FBW-A mode ) .When i tried the RTL mode, i did get the airplane to navigate towards the launch point, however it did not loiter properly there. Instead it started going out and then turned and made figure 8s all the time remaining close to the launch point.Since it comes straight to launch when i turn the RTL mode on, i suppose the nav gain is OK. The loiter radius is also 50 meters which should be OK for the airplane.Not sure if this would be related to Xtrack settings ? Any ideas ?Couple of other things I have been really confused about :1. EEPROM settings seem to override the Code APM_config.h code settings. Like the throttle failsafe value. Default in EEPROM was set to 975 and on the code I had it as 1030 but code got always ignored. Is this OK ? Do i set the EEPROM values from the APM Planner ? ( They just released a new version which seems to allow me to edit this value ) , but whats the way to edit other EEPROM values.2. Confused about Flight modes. I used the CLI and then setup>modes to setup 3 modes on my Futaba 10C's 3-position switch (Setup on Ch5) - Up - Manual , Center - FBW , Down - RTLI did this by changing the switch and using the aileron to toggle the modes till i got them OK on the CLI.Then I read on the advanced config page ( that I would need to change values in the config.h Is that needed ?Also, in one of your posts its said that TX values need to be changed in order to get the modes to work correctly.Thanks so much for trying to help me out on the above 3 issues ( for which I coudlnt find any resource so far ) .-GA

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  • Further on modes, My 2-pos switch on TX is on Ch5 and the rx 's Ch 5 goes to the ch8 on the ArduPilot Mega board. As mentioned I have used the CLI to set the 3 modes - Manual, FBW-A and RTL.
    This works properly and i have done several flights with it. HOWEVER, when I do a show settings on the command line, it says that the flight channel is set as 1 ? ( see attached ) .
    I checked the APM_config.h and there is nothing set there that would override the default ( which, as in manual is ch 8 ) . Plus, when my system works on Ch5, then why does settings say Ch 1 as flight mode channel ?

    Also, after reading the manual/documentation several times, i fail to understand :
    a. Differencebetween hardware flight mode selection and software flight mode selection
    b. The use of Interactive CLI to set the modes and the Hardward matching of pulse widths to the modes

    Any help would be really really appreciated.
    Thank you !


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