Pulsing of motors

Hello. I was wondering if anyone may have some suggestions for tuning this machine. I have attached a video in which you can hear how the motors are behaving. Once I switch modes from stabilise to RTL, you can hear the motors pulse as the quad ascends to the preset altitude before commencing descent.

direct link coz embed code does not appear to work http://youtu.be/UT5SOexFv_4


And here is a picture of the beast with video setup (temporary of course!) (Yes, that is a Flip cam on a gorilla pod)




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  • OK - just stumbled upon this:

    "Parameter: THR_RATE_D is 0.02 by default, but the noise of the Baro sensor can cause issues. If the value is too high you will see bad oscillations or pulsing of the motors. Once the THR_RATE_P value is dialed in, start at 0, and increment slowly. You should see oscillations die down." (from http://code.google.com/p/arducopter/wiki/AC2_alt_hold_PID)


    Will give it a go and report back...

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